I took a huge hiatus.

I'm back. Sorta.
I'm really trying to think of something to say that isn't negative, but I'm at a loss for words. I made a huge move (from Texas to Washington) and it was suppose to go so so much better than what it has been. It's been hell. I'm stressed and depressed beyond belief.

Here's to hoping that some positivity comes my way. I could really use it.


little short (late) update - we broke down on the side of the road for three hours yesterday.

Whenever I get in wifi, my big update will be coming. :)


Today has been the best day on the trip so far.
Minus the part where Dad (in law) missed an exit. Oh, wait, missed TWO exits.

But, we actually made it to the hotel at a decent time. Got to get a decent dinner and not something that we had to scarf down because we needed to go to sleep.

All of my gopro stuff is looking pretty cool. I need to be taking more pictures with my Canon Rebel T5i, and not my iPhone.

Right now, I'm watching my husband put sicky sickly Raleigh to sleep and then we're about to hit the hay. I'm glad y'all are keeping up with me. Forgive me because I have to catch up on everyone's blog. I'll probably do that tonight since I have time. Leave your blog in my comments to insure that I check it out and others can find you there, too. :)


Today was hard to say the least. Like said in the previous post, I'm going to have a more elaborate post, I just don't have the time right now. I want to add pictures and videos and all of the cool things.
One person on our convoy had a shredded tire. So that was fun to deal with.
Yesterday we started 6 hours late and so we didn't get any sleep last night and we probably won't tonight either. That's the biggest reason of why I can't get any trip content out right now. We arrive at our hotel around midnight and we have to leave at 8/9 in the morning.

I'm in a new time zone and it's already super weird. Right now, it's an hour earlier here than it is back home. At the end of the trip, I'll be two hours behind. It's going to take some getting use to.

Same with missing everyone...


I've been ignoring blogging purposely. After that month long month I had blogging every day, I just had to.

Yesterday, I left my home for a new home. Wow, it is hard. I'll have a more elaborate post about it later, but for now I wanted to update all that I was still here, just a little invisible.

Standing up for what you believe in.

It's so very hard to voice my opinion about a popular subject. Even if "standing up for what you believe in" will give out better benefits than keeping my mouth shut about the whole situation. The ignorance of some people make it really hard for someone like me to blurt out my thoughts all of time. I really want to tell these people to keep it to themselves. That someone changing their life for the better doesn't affect them at all and they can continue on living their lives just like they were before. That someone who isn't in the military is allowed to be brave, too.

Just think about it. How would you like to be in hiding almost your whole entire life and never be who you really want to be? Always feeling like something is wrong. Never being your true self.

There are so many people who will never be their true self because of the majority of society not accepting them. I know that this one post will never change the world, but I could do my best, right?

But what will I do? I'll put my tail between my legs and keep my mouth shut. I'll admit, I'm a coward. I guess that's how it's going to have to be until I can get the courage to speak up about something that I'm passionate about. Only time will tell.


This month has been one big "maybe."

The house has *sold,* but they still have time to back out. We may still buy a car. It would be really ~cool~ but not completely needed right now. I love my little car a lot, but it's pretty impractical. While it is a four-door, it's very small and it has little trunk space. It really doesn't even have a trunk, it's a hatchback. Well, I don't really want to make my family sad, but I have determined that I really do want to move. I want to explore a different part of the world. I haven't ever been out of Texas except for a couple of times. I was young and don't remember the first time and the second time I never even got out of the car so I don't count either one.

Raleigh is starting to talk. "Talk" I guess I should say. She'll say "dada," "mama," "gugu," (whatever that means), "oh" and other little babblings. I think she says "baba," but I'm really not sure if she knows what she's asking for when she does it. The only one she'll say on command is "dada." She claps when we say "clap, clap, clap" or "yay" and we're working on her making the touchdown signal so she'll be ready for football season when it comes back around. Go Ducks! Sometimes she doesn't want me to put her down, and other times I swear she could crawl a mile or two if she wanted to. She knows what "no" means, but will look directly at you and do whatever we told her "no" for. She'll shake her head no, sometimes just to do it and sometimes when she actually means it. he's getting so much of a personality - it's crazy. Whenever she see's strangers, she'll almost immediately put her head on Josh's or my shoulder as if she's being shy. On on occasion - she cried! Stranger danger in full effect! I'm loving every moment I have with her as she's growing and becoming her own little person. It's such a blessing.

A bunch of big changes are happening and I'm just trying to get through them. I'm really excited to, hopefully (lol), make new friends. I'm hearing so many things about Oregon/Washington that doesn't happen around here and it's making me more eager to move. It just really sucks that I'm leaving my family. There's so many pros and probably the same amount of cons. The cons aren't really bad enough to have to stay here, they just make it kind of sucky leave. Overall, life if pretty hectic. Hopefully it'll get a little bit calmer. Only time will tell.

Every Day In May: Day 31 - the end.

Wow! I did it. This is going to be the last post that feels forced.

I've learned a lot about blogging every day. I really have.
I learned that I don't like posting every day. But I had to keep my promise to myself.
I learned how hard it is to have "me" time reading all of the other lovely blogs when I have a baby tugging at my legs. I wouldn't change it for the world though.
I learned how hard it is. I don't blame anyone for stopping the Every Day In May early. I really don't. This was hard. I think that if I have more than a couple of days to plan, I would have been okay. I wouldn't have been so stressed about trying to think of content.

Well, guys, it's been real and it's been fun but it hasn't been real fun. I will still be posting, but definitely not every day if I can help it.

What did you learn about Every Day In May? (even if you didn't complete it)

Every Day In May: Day 30 - the dirty thirty.

one more day. I can do this - I can do this.

The title has absolutely nothing to do with this post.

The garage sell went fairly well. A lot of people came by.

June is coming up fast. There is a lot of big things happening in June. Okay, well one big thing that I can think of - my twin and my birthday! The plan is that we're going to be in Washington two days before my birthday. I'm hoping that I can at least do -something- fun that day and not be tired from being on the road for six days straight.

I don't know how I'm going to handle the birthday yet. This will be the first one that I'm spending away from my twin. She's my best friend. I had someone ask me earlier this week how Channah took the news. It really meant a lot to me than people are thinking of her, too.

Also, June marks the 5th anniversary of my high school graduation. Also marks that age of my computer. I definitely need to upgrade. But, it doesn't seem like it's been that long. I've grown a lot in some ways and then in other ways I'm still as immature as I use to be. It's something I need to work out.

Is anything big happening for you in June?

Every Day In May: Day 29 - sleepover.

I have a weekend left. A. Weekend.

We've been spending the night at the in laws since Thursday night. We decided to spend the night because there was no way that I was going to wake up early enough to be over here in time unless I was already here. We're probably going to spend all weekend here. It's going to be a little bit weird since the last time we spent more than a night here was when we were in between homes.

I'm hoping to sell a lot of the stuff that we have today. It would make Saturday super easy if we don't have a lot of stuff and Sunday would be pretty much irrelevant garage sale wise. Anything that is left over will be either be picked up by Goodwill or I'll advertise for free garage sale left overs. I'm honestly hoping that we don't have to find a way to dispose of it ourselves.

I've never set up and "ran" a garage sale. I'm hoping it goes okay and that there isn't a lot of crazy people that come out and wait at the house 2 hours before we start the garage sale. I can not deal with that. Only time will tell.

Every Day In May: Day 28 - new things for Raleigh.

At the garage sale, we're going to be selling what we didn't donate of Raleigh's old stuff and things that she doesn't use anymore. The money we're going to get from that is going towards Raleigh a new car seat. I'm leaning towards a recaro. Probably one that will work for a big girl car seat all the way to a booster. I'm really hoping to get it before we move so that'll she'll have a more comfortable car seat to have for the move.

We might try and sell our car at the garage sale. More for shits and giggles than anything else. If we sell it then it would be really awesome to not have to drive it up to Washington. We will use the money we get from it to find something up North. If we don't sell it then oh well. It's not like it's a huge deal anyways.

Update on my packages - the one estimated for Saturday will be here tomorrow. It makes me super happy! Maybe it will make me a little bit patient for the one that is suppose to be coming on Friday. I wouldn't be too mad if it decided to come early. ;)

That's really all I have for now. Is there anything you're excited for this weekend? Be sure to let me know!

Every Day In May: Day 27 - ordering things online.

You know that feeling when you order something online - even if you JUST placed the order? That feeling of just pure excitement and anxiousness waiting for the package to arrive at your door? Is that a common thing? I know I'm not the only one, but is there anyone who DOESN'T get this feeling?

I'm currently waiting on a few things I ordered from Amazon. It all had to do with accessories for the gopro, but I'm still super excited for them. I should be getting them Friday and Saturday! I have a whole wishlist of things that I'm waiting to order from Amazon. We're also waiting on a couple of things for the car to upgrade it a bit. Those should be here Saturday! I'm just as excited about car parts as I am about gopro accessories!

I really should have a "dream" list, because most of the items in my wishlist are way out of my financial ability right now and I'm not going to ask Josh to buy them because they aren't things that I need. I just want them. Really, really, want them!

I have a lot of things in my wishlist that involve the Canon EOS Rebel T5i that Josh recently bought. Flashes, telephoto lens, wide angle lens, fish eye lens, etc. I have a lot of stuff for Raleigh like a new car seat, a rocking horse, and other variety of toys and stuff she will need. And then I have little knick-knacks for me like DVDs that I can't find in store, World Map and a USA map, etc.

I'm hoping that my packages arrive soon! Even though I have the tracking information for them. I think it may make it worse because I'm constantly updating where the package is every chance I get.

What did you last order online? Do you get as excited as I do?

Every Day In May: Day 26 - gopro.

Well, I finally got a gopro! We got the gopro hero 3. I'm so excited. I picked it up yesterday for a super good price. I would have liked to get a later model, but after testing and researching - I didn't see too much of a difference.
I'm glad I got it a little bit before we move so that I can get an idea about the settings and stuff before we have to move.
We're ordering accessories for it only since all it came with was the camera itself, the waterproof housing with a skeleton door, a charging cord and the battery.
Kinda a rip, but if you order a lot of the accessories in a bundle, you can get it for a super good price.

I'm not too sure what we're going to use it for besides to time lapse the trip, I guess I'm going to have to figure that out!

What is your favorite thing to do with a gopro?

Every Day In May: Day 25 - refreshment.

Ignoring social media has been a nice refreshment.
I should honestly do it more often. Being busy really helps with it.
Yesterday we took a spur of the moment trip to Dallas. Since I hardly ever have my phone in my hand when I'm out and about, it helps me to ignore social media.

Nice and sweet blog post, I love you all.

Every Day In May: Day 24 - life update.

I'm here chanting "one more week. one more week."
It's been a hard almost month doing this and trying to be cool enough to bring traffic to my blog. I think I've honestly done a pretty good job. I still can't wait to start new and lose all my progress I've acquired.

We've been setting up and cleaning out the house for a garage sale all this weekend. It's getting close and we're actually jumping the gun. As of right now, we don't even know if the bank is going to approve the house to be sold. If you've ever bought a house, you may know what I'm talking about, and if you don't - I'm not really sure how to explain it, but I'll do my best.

The buyers want the house - make an offer. The owners sometimes will come back with a counter offer. The people sign the contract and get an inspection done. The inspections comes by and the buyers come back with a new offer blah blah they come to an agreement. THEN the bank comes in and does their own appraisal and then approve or deny the loan.

I hope you understood that. So we're not even going to really know if we're moving FOR SURE until like two days before we have to move. It's stressful. The closing of the house will be on the 8th and they want to move in on the 11th. SO, what?! We won't know if they are FOR SURE going to close on the house until two days before we have to be out of there. We're having the garage sale next weekend - what happens if they don't buy the house? We're fucked.

Only time will tell.

Every Day In May: Day 23 - vroom vroom.

Okay, so since I started working at Sears Auto and was influenced by the people that worked there - I've became a car snob. More specifically - I've become a Volkswagen snob. That's all thanks to my now husband - then crush.

It's terrible and sometimes I get mad at myself for thinking the way I do. Why do I care what someone else drives? It's more with just Volkswagens than it is with anything else. Like if I see someone driving a Volkswagen who I know doesn't appreciate the Volkswagens for what they are, I just get really annoyed. With myself and with them. I can't help it.

I just want people who actually appreciate Volkswagens to drive Volkswagens. Not people who won't ever appreciate them for what they are.

I have a 1997 Volkswagen Golf. My husband hates it, but I wouldn't let him tell me "no." & since it was my money buying it, he couldn't really. He had a 1995 Volkswagen Passat that unfortunately doesn't run anymore because *someone* decided to drive it without any water it in. I will forever be pissed about that, but I guess I'll get over it one day.

Since there are move Volkswagen enthusiast up North, we're going to wait to buy a new *to us* Volkswagen there. We were going to buy one before we moved, but it ended up having too many miles on it to be financed. Which - 140k miles on a GLI isn't even a lot at all, so I don't know what their problem is.

~~ who know if you can even understand this post. I didn't proof read at all like I usually do. I'm having an off day. I'm sorry.

Every Day In May: Day 22 - emotions.

Have you ever just needed to cry but you didn't know why? Just let the eye rivers flow for no reason at all? That's where I'm at right now. I have been for about a week.

I don't think it's about moving. I've cried a lot about moving and I'm not feeling too sad about moving right now. I'm sure it will come later. I did, however, have a friend who passed away. I actually should say acquaintance because I've only hung out with him a handful of times. I don't really want to go into too much detail about him and the death, but he was a really awesome guy. Basically all I'm going to say is that the cops should have taken him to the hospital and the took him to the holding cell where he later died. Cops are doing so much shit to make them look bad.

The guy that passed away was one of my really good friends friend and I don't think he knows yet and I don't know what I'm going to do when he finds out. He's actually a lot of my friends friend and they are all really beat up about it.

I saw a facebook post of his brother asking for videos of him so that he could hear his voice and his mom commented on the post and said "OMG yes please please I want to hear my baby's voice" and it just brought me to TEARS. I really should have cried then when I had my chance but I was around people and I can't let them see me weak! Okay, joking, but I just didn't want to have to explain why I was crying.

I know I could easily *make* myself cry. I've done it a thousand times but for some reason I don't feel like it will solve this feeling I have inside. So really, I'm just waiting for the flood gates to open. I don't know what's going to trigger it and I don't know when it's going to happen. Only time will tell.