Just January.

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Well, January was just that. It was just just.

Josh and I have started the process of buying a house this month. It wasn't suppose to be this way, but things in our previous plan just didn't work out in our favor. I don't really want to be upset over it, but I sort of am. I guess everything happens for a reason though. I think us finding a home that we will both be content with is going to be harder than the rest of the process. He wants three bedrooms, I want four. He wants two bathrooms, I want three. There's just so many things that we need to be on the same page about. It's finding a home that we both will FALL IN LOVE with that's going to be the difficult part. There is no settling for something that we actually don't like. I mean this isn't going to be a place that we can just up and leave if we wanted to, it's going to be a forever home, a part of us, the home that our daughter and future kids are going to grow up in and have their first memories. There's absolutely no settling. Maybe it'll go a little bit better to plan than what I'm thinking it'll turn out to be.

Moving on...

I'm not big on half birthdays, but when it's my daughter's, of course I'm going to be biased. She turned 6 months about half way through January. She's our amazing little miracle. She started to crawl in January and perfected it by Super Bowl Sunday. By the end of the January, she had one little tooth that had finally popped through. It seems like she has been teething for much longer than she really has been, but we finally have some results! Unfortunately for Raleigh, all of the restless nights, chewing on fingers and anything else she could get to her mouth, crying when she didn't know how to soothe herself and we couldn't do it enough for her, and then finally passing out are still going to happen for at least a little bit longer. If only us Moms and Dads could cure anything little thing that was wrong with our babies.

Since we're on the subject - here's some other pretty big moments of the new year so far that happened in my life!
- Marcus Mariota won the Heisman Trophy this year! My love for The Ducks has grown a little bit more and more over the years, but the 2014 Season was probably the most invested I have ever been in the team. I really wish that we could have won the Championship, but dang!, Ohio State wasn't going to be easy. They're a good team! Props to them. I really hope that Matt Mariota isn't going to feel so much pressure being on the team this year.
- I'm trying to get into shape and at least eat a little bit healthier. So far, not drinking soft drinks is the only thing I've done. However, I've turned to more tea (and sips of my husband's energy drinks, oops!). Sometimes sweet, sometimes not, sometimes half and half. So for me, it's kind of like a two-step-forwards-and-one-step-back kind of deal since tea can have a lot of sugar in it at times. For some reason, I just can't find the motivation even though this is want I want most! How do you all stay motivated?

Stay tuned for my February post, it'll likely be a little bit late like this January post! (Hey! Only four days! That's not that bad!)
How has this new year been going for you all?