Hi, all!

12:40 AM crk 0 Comments

Hi, all!

I've been more worried about my template than I have about blog posts lately. Trying to build from scratch is a lot harder than I remember it being on MySpace! Of course this is a different website that what Classic MySpace was, but I didn't think I would forget that much about coding. I'm still not where I want to be! I really missed making my own layout when MySpace actually let you. Now that is considered "classic" and I don't even know what you would call what they have up now! I haven't really messed with it much. I've only been on to get/see old pictures, but I'm pretty sure you can't do anything like you use to. They took away all the freedom. But I guess it's okay since shortly after that, MySpace "died".

Here's a flashback photo for some nostalgia. You gotta admit, you miss it!
Or if you don't, you probably never got "into" MySpace.

I also have a couple of new things in the works for my blog here! I'm pretty excited about that. It all ties in together and maybe by the time that the project is done - I'll be content with my template. If it's anything like MySpace, I'll be constantly changing it! Only time will tell!
Keep a lookout for new things coming this way! ~~~