Every Day In May: Day 18 - starting new.

2:25 PM crk 1 Comments

Yes, this blog is new, but I need a new-new.
To be honest, I'm disappointed in this blog. It's not what I've envisioned it to be, but I also took it on the way I wanted it. It was just something that I updated because I felt like I had to.

Well, I'm going to get a domain. (I know, I've been saying that forever and I have yet to do it.) I think with my domain, I'm going to start new. I'm not going to import my posts to the domain. I'm not going to feel like I HAVE TO post. This blog sucks. It's not organized. It's just random. And ever since I could get the right codes to work, I've been mad at it. Yes, mad at a website because it wouldn't do what I wanted it to do. When I get a domain, I'm going to have a lot more freedom. I'm going to be freeeeeeeee.

I'm going back and forth on what I want my URL to be. I don't now if I want buckdoeandfawns.com although it means a lot to me. It just seems so long and not very "URL-y." BUT, I have NO IDEA what I would want my URL to be. I'm very indecisive. It's just very - eh. Well I don't know what to do, only time will tell.


If you're getting Wordpress along with your domain (self-hosted) you're going to be able to make your blog look so magical. You can do SO MUCH more on Wp than on blogger! :)