This month has been one big "maybe."The house has *sold,* but they still have time to back out. We may still buy a car. It would be really ~cool~ but not completely needed right now. I love my little car a lot, but it's pretty impractical. While it is a four-door, it's very small and it has little trunk space. It really doesn't even have a trunk, it's a hatchback. Well, I don't really want to make my family sad, but I have determined that I really do want to move. I want to explore a different part of the world. I haven't ever been out of Texas except for a couple of times. I was young and don't remember the first time and the second time I never even got out of the car so I don't count either one.
Raleigh is starting to talk. "Talk" I guess I should say. She'll say "dada," "mama," "gugu," (whatever that means), "oh" and other little babblings. I think she says "baba," but I'm really not sure if she knows what she's asking for when she does it. The only one she'll say on command is "dada." She claps when we say "clap, clap, clap" or "yay" and we're working on her making the touchdown signal so she'll be ready for football season when it comes back around. Go Ducks! Sometimes she doesn't want me to put her down, and other times I swear she could crawl a mile or two if she wanted to. She knows what "no" means, but will look directly at you and do whatever we told her "no" for. She'll shake her head no, sometimes just to do it and sometimes when she actually means it. he's getting so much of a personality - it's crazy. Whenever she see's strangers, she'll almost immediately put her head on Josh's or my shoulder as if she's being shy. On on occasion - she cried! Stranger danger in full effect! I'm loving every moment I have with her as she's growing and becoming her own little person. It's such a blessing.
A bunch of big changes are happening and I'm just trying to get through them. I'm really excited to, hopefully (lol), make new friends. I'm hearing so many things about Oregon/Washington that doesn't happen around here and it's making me more eager to move. It just really sucks that I'm leaving my family. There's so many pros and probably the same amount of cons. The cons aren't really bad enough to have to stay here, they just make it kind of sucky leave. Overall, life if pretty hectic. Hopefully it'll get a little bit calmer. Only time will tell.
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