Every Day In May: Day 17 - An Average Day In The Life Of...

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I'm not even too sure that I can call any day in the life of a mom "average."
On more times than I would like to actually admit, I get frustrated. Being a mom, a stay at home mom at that, isn't all candy and lollipops. Raleigh is growing up and learning how to be mischievous and sneaky. She knows the word "no" and she acknowledges it and then does what she was told not to. She'll crawl away and turn over while I'm changing her diaper. She fights sleep like nobody's business. (Don't you just wish that they would know that if they laid down and went to sleep - they wouldn't be grumpy anymore?!)
Now don't get me wrong, I love being a stay at home mom. It does get frustrating and I do get stressed, but I love it. I am incredibly thankful and happy that my husband is willing to work hard to take care of us. I love being able to raise my daughter and not leaving her at a daycare or something of the sort. If you didn't know this before, being a mom doesn't guarantee 100% happiness. You will get angry, you will get stressed, you will get mad, but you'll also be in love the most you've ever been.

To put it in simple words... an average day goes a little like this...

Raleigh and I officially get out of bed around 10 to 11 in the morning. She usually either wakes up when Josh's alarm goes off, or around 7 in the morning. She takes a bottle, and she goes back to sleep easily. I have to get relaxed a little bit before I can go back to bed, but I usually go to sleep within the hour. After she wakes up for the second time, I turn on the TV and drop her off in the living and I go use the bathroom.

My bad mom moment, when I come back from the bathroom is usually when I change her diaper. I'm sorry, (not really) but I'm not able to bend over to change her diaper on the floor when I have a full bladder. After the diaper change, she's off to play with her toys while I check my oh-so-addicting social media. She used to do that for about two hours and then be ready for a nap, but as she's been growing - she stays up longer. Getting her to actually fall asleep when she's sleepy and grumpy is a whole other story. Sometimes it's a nightmare. I will either eat, work out, or nap with her. When she wakes up from her nap, I usually feed her some actual food. After she eats, we play on the floor and wait for Dad to come home. From there, we usually shower, eat or go out for food, watch TV, put Raleigh to bed anywhere around 9 to 10 in at night and then it's bedtime for us!

It's a pretty simple, average day that I wouldn't change for the world.