Every Day In May: Day 16 - picky.
Google Search: how do you go on a diet when you're a picky eater?When I look up meal plans, I really get nothing but disgusted. For example, for breakfast it will suggest half a grapefruit or such and I am just not a fan of grapefruit and not willing to push through it for a meal plan. Same with oatmeal - I gag just thinking about the texture. Tilapia, hummus, greek yogurt, salmon, beans, sweet potatoes, figs, dark chocolate. These are all things that I've seen on a meal plan that just make my stomach turn.
Having a family that doesn't want to eat healthy doesn't help either. I do want to eat healthy, but my husband isn't such a fan of it. When we should be going to the store to get fruits and vegetables, we go and actually get ice cream and frozen meals - if we even go grocery shopping at all! 99% of the time we go out to eat and it's usually Taco Bell.
Never being home doesn't help either. By now, I'm really just trying to make excuses. But when I'm out and about, there's not a lot of healthy options to eat. I mean, sure! I can go to McDonald's and get a salad, but they're about 5 times as much as a little burger is. When it's not my money I'm dealing with, it's not as easy to spend. As you may know, I am a stay at home mom and my husband proudly supports us. I believe that the money in the bank is his, therefore, I want to spend it as little as I can.
Excuse #328745 - I'm going to put the blame on my daughter. Okay, not really, but I tried. When it comes to Raleigh, I come in second. I tend to her needs first which means I have little time to myself. So when she naps, that's when I stuff my face without whatever is quick and easy. I don't think about the health reasons. That's the excuse I'll give to not getting any exercise done, too.
I'm getting more and more determined day by day. Eventually, it's going to get my motivated.
What food disgusts you? What healthy meal is your go-to?
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