Every Day In May: Day 5 - Transformation Tuesday.

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What better way to do a transformation than by doing it from the very first picture ever taken of me? *note that it says '82 when I was born in '92. The obviously didn't care about mistakes back then.*
My mom was due on the 4th, had her first and only ultrasound on the third (pictured above) and found out she was having twins that day. SHE WAS DUE THE NEXT DAY! How crazy would that be??

That little baby in the belly turned into this ugly creature here. Haha, joking, kinda. My sister threw a lego at me which is why I have what I have on my nose. What a loving family we were! Look at the CURLY hair. It looks like my daughter's is going to be pretty close to this color and style.

I can't turn this photo. I mean, I could, but that would involve work. Just turn your heads. Cherish this photo, they get uglier as we go on.

This is my former wombmate and I. We were six? Maybe? She has always been my best friend and I wouldn't have it any other way.

This was our seventh birthday with the oh-so-popular-at-the-time barbie cakes. 

And now we are going to have a big ten plus year gap. Oops! Maybe I'll find pictures of the moments in between eventually! Until then, this will have to do.

These last two were around the time I was feeling my most confident. More the latter. I would really like to go back to how I felt then. I actually *liked* myself.

I warned you! I told you it would get ugly! This is my husband and I during our two year anniversary. This picture was previously posted on here before, but I believe that it's the most recent on I have of myself on the computer.

I would really like to transform myself into a better person. Mentally, physically, emotionally. I want it all. I don't know how with all the 'wants' I have, my motivation is at an all time zero. I get motivation for about three days and then I'm pretty much like "fuck it. nope" and it ends there. 

How do y'all keep the motivation? Let me know!