
4:07 PM crk 0 Comments

If finding a house where we live now wasn't stressful enough, we may be moving halfway across the United States. It really all depends on if my in laws move back home. It's like a real life "Love It Or List It" with a little bit of change. (Josh's) Dad wants to "list it" but Mom also doesn't exactly "love it." She's mainly just tired of moving. I couldn't even imagine what moving is like. I've only moved once and it was about thirty minutes away and I moved back into my childhood home about a year after I first moved out.

It's something that we're really going to have to talk about and decipher the pros and the cons. If Josh's parents move back home, he'll be here without family or anyone he grew up with. He's already without people he grew up with, but at least he has his parents here. If we move with them then it will be me that is without family or any of my friends. It would be nice to have a complete change, but there is a handful of people I really wouldn't want to leave behind.

I'm not too sure how we would be able to find jobs and a house without being there. Josh will probably be able to get a job with his brother, but that still leaves finding a place to stay. We might just have to rent until we were able to find a home.

I mean, it's not even a for sure thing that they would be moving at all. We've been contemplating going to Oregon/Washington before we even found out that they were going to put their house on the market. Kinda jokingly saying it with serious thoughts about it.

What do you all think we should do? Have you ever moved super far away from family and friends and everyone that you've known?

photo is mine.