
9:03 PM crk 0 Comments

We're still in the process of buying a house.
We're to the point of house hunting now, so that's the good news!
We're just not finding anything we like, but to be real, we've only just now started looking. I can't expect to find someone that I like right away. Especially since there is no settling.

I've been purposely ignoring my blog because I got mad it. Oops! Haha.
I still have some stuff in progress for the blog that I intend to show soon!
Only time will tell!

Also, if you haven't seen, I changed my blog name. Only very slightly.
I added an 's' at the end for my future little baby's that I will bring into the world.
I didn't want anyone getting attached to one blog name, and then I add a 's' and no one be able to find me. That's only being hopeful that I could bring in some traffic. So if you follow me on bloglovin', you're going to have to refollow me on there!

Sorry for not putting a lot of thought into this post, I just wanted to update all and settle my grudge with my blog. See y'all soon!