two years.

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Today my husband and I celebrated our 2 year marriage anniversary. It's really amazing to be where we are now considering how we started out.

This was me two years ago today! We got married in the dining room of my grandmother's house. It was absolutely perfect for a lot of different reasons. We planned for an 'actual' wedding ceremony and everything, but I think deep down we knew that it was never going to happen. Who spends thousands of dollars on things that you only use for one day?! I mean, if that is your intentions, then have at it! That's just not what we wanted. We spent less than $100 and I am A-OK with that. We'll probably have a small, inexpensive wedding re-vow on our fifth or so anniversary or our original idea of whenever our first born is around age 5. 

This picture was taken the same night of our ceremony. We had just got home from going out to eat and I took his phone and took a picture of us. I'm usually not one to take pictures, but this was just a moment that needed to be recorded. There was an awesome group of people at a table close by to us that bought Josh and I drinks and bought desert for the whole table. If they have somehow found my blog and remember that night, I just want to say 'Thank You!' It's definitely not something that I will ever forget.

This is one of my favorite pictures of us. It's almost two years old. As you may have figured out, we hardly have any recent pictures of us besides really badly posed holiday pictures! It's not only that I hate being in front of the camera (I really don't like photos of just myself, like really really don't like it), it's just every opportunity that we have to take photos, it always turns out really badly posed. I like the more natural look of our photos, one where I turn the camera on, snap a picture, and that's that! They turn out pretty cute, in my opinion. ;-*

This photo was taken the same day as the one above. It's probably my favorite picture of just him. It was taken during the birthday party of one of my nephews. I'm not too sure who shot him with the silly string (it was probably me), but apparently I thought it was the perfect photo opportunity.

I've ragged on the "holiday" Valentine's Day because of the "significant-other-only-showing-love-one-day-out-of-the-year" thing and the competition that comes with it. We are 100% on the same page about it and don't celebrate that holiday (if you can even call it a holiday?). Neither one of us are perfect, but I think we do a pretty good job of showing love to one another daily. Whether it's something as small as kissing in the morning, when he gets home from work, and before bed, or sending a random text because we were thinking about one another. Just anything! I mean the list really goes on and on. I'm not trying to say that we're a perfect married couple and that we never fight, because we definitely do and we definitely have. The best advice I ever got from someone when Josh and I got married was "never go to bed mad." I stand by that big time.

At first I was really on the fence about doing something for our anniversary. It's just not my thing to celebrate something like that. It kind of goes hand in hand with Valentine's Day, except it's also completely different. Valentine's Day is the same day for everyone and everyone seems to make it a competition, but our wedding anniversary is our day. There's no one else there to compete with us on that day. I mean, I'm sure that there is someone else in the world that got married on the same day that we did, but how likely is it that they are in the same town as we are?

This is us today. We are more in love than ever and our love keeps growing every day. I don't regret marrying young or rushing into it one bit. I couldn't imagine my life without him. He's saved me from so much and he keeps me sane. He is an amazing dad and husband.

This is to two years and many, many more.